Does everyone have to serve the Qualifying period?

There is a fourteen (14) day Qualifying Period from the commencement of all New and Reinstated Memberships. During the Qualifying Period Members do not receive member benefits for:

  • Non-emergency Patient Transport Ambulance Services; or

  • Emergency Ambulance Services where the service is required as a result of a Pre-Existing Medical condition.

The Qualifying Period will be waived in the following circumstances:

  1. For children who qualify as a Dependant when added to an existing Family Membership which has already served the Qualifying Period.

  2. Where a New or Reinstated Member was formerly an eligible Victorian Pension Concession card or Health Care card holder and joins the Membership Scheme within thirty (30) days of no longer being eligible for a Pension Concession card or Health Care card - In this situation Membership will commence from the date the concession benefits ceased (proof of this date will be required).

  3. Where a New or Reinstated Member was listed on a Family Membership, is no longer eligible to be covered under that Family Membership and joins the Membership Scheme within thirty (30) days of ceasing to be eligible on the Family Membership. 

Please Note: Membership benefits commence 5pm the day after payment is received by Ambulance Victoria for new and re-instated members. See Membership Scheme Business Rules for full details.

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