I have to update my details (or check that my membership is current), how can I do this?

It is important to ensure that your membership is current and details are up to date. If we do not have your current contact details on file, you may not receive important information from us and your membership could lapse.  

You can check and make changes to your membership details in the following ways:

  1. Online - Update your details online now.

  2. Email - Send an email listing 3 points of ID (full name, current address including postcode and date of birth), the membership number and the details that you would like to update

  3. Phone - 1300 366 141 (Mon-Fri 8am-8pm & Sat 9am-5pm) – the main member must call to make these changes.

  4. Post - Send your signed request to Ambulance Victoria at PO Box 278 South Melbourne Vic 3205.

Please note: Only the Primary Member or Dependant partner listed on the membership can make these changes.(Dependants cannot resign the membership or remove the Main member). Personal details cannot be updated by an unrelated third party without express permission from the primary member. The primary member can nominate a third party to act on their behalf by providing verbal or written permission.

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