Ambulance Victoria (AV) has no affiliation with Private Health Insurers (PHI) therefore, we have no knowledge of a person's individual coverage through that fund. Please also be aware that when you take out ambulance cover with a private health insurance company they do not purchase ambulance coverage through us on your behalf, PHI's set their own terms and conditions of what they will and will not cover*.
Sadly, we see cases every day where members of private health funds have used the service and then found out that the fund's terms and conditions do not cover them in particular circumstances such as air ambulance transport or non-emergency transport.
AV recommends you to contact your fund and use the Ambulance Cover Checklist as a guide to determine if you have sufficient ambulance cover.
For total confidence and peace of mind that you are fully covered, it is recommended that you maintain your Ambulance Victoria Membership.
Ambulance Victoria is not 100 per cent government funded so membership fees are a vital source of funding. All membership fees are directed back into operating and improving the service as opposed to revenue obtained by your private health fund which is not forwarded to AV.
* Please be advised that Latrobe Health Services (LHS) is the only PHI that does purchase ambulance cover through AV.