How do I notify Ambulance Victoria of the death of a member?

We understand the death of a family member or friend is a difficult time. We want to make it as easy as possible to help you or your solicitor manage your loved one’s ambulance membership.

There are three simple steps to follow:

  • Notify us

  • Gather the required documents

  • Submit these documents to us

Notify us
You can notify Ambulance Victoria (AV) either verbally, in writing or via email and we will advise you of the next steps.

Gather the required documents

If you are only wanting to close the membership
We will need:

  • A copy of the Death Certificate or Statutory Declaration

  • Three points of ID for the deceased member (such as name, address and date of birth)

  • Your contact information

If you want a refund and/or want to update details on the membership record
We will also need a copy of any legal documents showing you have the authority to act on behalf of that member such as:

Power of Attorney
• Guardianship order
• Trustee
• Administrator
• Legal Representative
• Executor of the Estate that shows you are acting on behalf of the deceased member
• Will
• Letters of Administration issued by the Supreme Court
Statutory Declaration

Please note:
• Refunds or updates to a membership cannot be processed unless you can give us a copy of one of the documents above.
• Refunds will be calculated from the date of death for a current membership (not for prior years).

Submit these documents to us
Once you have all the information ready, please send to:

Email:    membership@ambulance.vic.gov.au
Mail:     PO Box 278 South Melbourne Vic 3205

What happens next?
We will process the notification depending on the type of membership that the deceased member held:

Single Membership:
The membership will be closed and remaining funds can either be donated to AV or refunded back to the original payment source i.e. credit card or via a cheque to the deceased Estate.

Family Membership (deceased is the primary member):
The existing family membership will be closed and a new membership opened in its place, either as a single membership or a new family membership depending on the circumstances. Any remaining funds will be applied to the new membership.

Family Membership (deceased is a listed dependant):
The member will be removed as an active listed dependant.  All other details of the membership will remain unchanged unless additional changes are requested.

Contact us
Please don’t hesitate to call our Membership Service Centre on 1300 366 141 with any questions.

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